Mr. Kite poster and other sunroom objects d'art

Mr. Kite poster & other sunroom objects d'art

The Kenwood sunroom 3D scene has received a minor make-over in preparation for the 360 panoramic views so here's a glimpse at some of the refined 3D work for the wall art.

If you're a Kenwood Blog habitué and all-around Beatles trivia enthusiast you know that Lennon had his Mr. Kite poster hanging in his den and a Great War recruiting poster with Lord Kitchener somewhere around the front entrance.

As of yet, I have seen no photographic proof if this Beatles painting, the Mr. Kite or the war poster ever adorned the walls of the sunroom but it's obvious that the room contents were routinely shifted around, so I claim these facts in the name of creative license.

Check out the great blog "Beatles Place" for photos of the shop where Lennon might have bought the Mr. Kite poster.

Thanks again to the Kenwood Blog for allowing me to ride his photographic shirt-tails.