Dante's Inferno The Movie
Recently I mentioned Sandow Birk. He recreated Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy with images and wrote/produced a film adaptation of the Inferno. I saw a screening of it back at Alfred, and was thoroughly impressed. Its the story of Dante's journey through the various circles of Hell, told with hand drawn puppets. The artistry is very detailed, using numerous puppets with different expressions for each character. I really like his style of drawing (gotta love line work), and the painstaking effort to set the story in the present. Check it out.
La Damnation of Faust - Hector Berlioz
Requiem for O.M.M.2 - of Montreal
Requiem: Rex Tremendae - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Two Lost Souls - Gwen Verdon and Tab Hunter (From Damn Yankees, song starts at 3:15)
Bonus! Two Lost Souls - The Muppets: Sweetums and Robin (From Damn Yankees)
Dante's Inferno The Movie